Before we got married, Sharon made me promise that I would never do two things til (or perhaps lest) death do us part: race a motorcycle or skydive. At the time I wanted to do both, although I had not considered the implications of my horror of heights on the latter.
She was worth it. I told her so, agreed, and crossed them off the list of things I wanted to do. We got married; I read a lot about bike racing, rode two bikes to pieces, and didn't think much about skydiving.
A few years ago Sharon started hinting that she would like to go skydiving. Upon questioning, she was even fine with me racing motorcycles. Of course, I had neither the time nor the spare money, but I know she meant it, and that meant a lot.
But skydiving... my fear of heights had not aged gracefully. While I'm fine in an airplane at any height for some reason, standing at the edge of a 3 meter high dive terrified me far more at 50 than it had at 15 (and it wasn't very nice back then). It was clear Sharon would have to jump with someone else.
Then God, through a brief prayer by my wonderful sister, Pam Rose, healed me of my fear of heights. Suddenly it was not just a possibility. It was exciting. Enticing, even. Free fall: roaring through the air at 120MPH or so (I've gone faster on a bike but not by that much). The shock of a chute opening. Slowing suddenly, hanging beneath my personal, man-made, brightly hued cloud, drifting slowly, hanging quietly in the air like a bird of prey... WHACK onto the ground, stand up laughing and screaming deliriously.
Yeah, this needs to happen. Not Sharon and Someone Else (although Someone Else is welcome to join us), but Sharon and ME, diving into the great unknown a few seconds apart. We'll be tethered to a pro, which part of me finds mildly annoying, but that's how it works, so that's what we'll do.
The reservations are made. Deposits are deposited. It's on the calendar. Her birthday is Thursday but she works that evening so we're going Saturday, Sep 7, 2013 at 3PMCDT. Skydive San Marcos. Other jumpers welcome. Observers also welcome (they have a shaded, outdoor observation area).
Who jumps out of a perfectly good plane? Apparently we do. And we can hardly wait.
Copyright 2013 Miles O'Neal, Round Rock, TX. All rights reserved.