Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear Candidates

Dear Candidates,

Don't bother to tell me why I shouldn't vote for someone else, or what's wrong with someone else, unless you're going to spend a lot more time telling me why I should vote for you, and what's right with you. (And maybe what's wrong with you. Transparency and honesty are a big win in my book.)

Otherwise, all you're really doing is trying to sell yourself as the lesser of two evils. "Never mind about me! I'm not as bad as ______!" Why do you have such a low opinion of yourself? And why would I vote for anyone like that?

The simple answer is, I don't plan to. I'm really fed up with voting for the lesser of two evils. This year, I plan to vote for someone. If I can't find a third party candidate I like, I will write someone in.

I know that some people will call this a wasted vote. No vote is wasted. When one of you just squeaks by because lots of people voted for your opponent, you know you have a hard road ahead; it's different from a landslide mandate (though it's always a mandate-- has everyone else noticed that? A one vote victory is a mandate.) So pay attention, because I'm not alone. You've tricked a lot of people into playing your game ("Vote for me or it's _____ for four years, the end of life on this planet!")

Will it make a difference? Maybe not today. But just knowing you are not alone makes a difference-- just ask the Occupiers. Or the people who backed Congress down over SOPA and PIPA.

For my friends whose conscience demands they vote against the Evil Du Jour (regardless of party), by all means, vote your conscience. I don't condemn you at all. I ask the same courtesy.

-Tired of Games in Texas

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Subscribing to Madness

I wonder why Facebook is constantly suggesting I subscribe to Jessica Alba. (And what, exactly, does it mean, if I "subscribe to Jessica Alba"? Will she show up in my mailbox? She'd be really crowded in there. Or perhaps I simply have to agree with her on everything. I kind of doubt that.)

Is it because 4 of my friends subscribe to her? I'm pretty sure I have more friends subscribing to other people.

Is this a paid advertisement? It doesn't say so as the actual ads do.

Is it just because Facebook likes her? Is she a personal friend of Mark Z? Or the fantasy girl of some programmer at Facebook?

Has their ad cross-reference generator, which decides what they think I'm interested in, decided I am interested in her? If so, why? I liked her in the Fantastic Four movies but it's not like I'm enamored, or stalking her.

Facebook, what are you thinking?

Oh, wait. I never do know that, do I?