Thursday, July 31, 2014

Normal? I doubt it.

A friend said, "Normal sucks!"

I think she is close but slightly off the mark.

Normal is purely a statistical fiction, an average, a mathematical representation of a group of some sort. I would venture to say there are no normal people, although there are- by mathematical definition- a great many people clustered nearby that point. But that's just math, not people. If there are any normal people they are statistical anomalies, either accidents or miracles depending upon your viewpoint.[1]

Normal doesn't suck.

Trying to become something you are not sucks.

Trying to make people normal sucks.

Worshiping normal sucks massively- more than the output of all the Hoovers, Electroluxes, Rainbows, and Kirbys put together.

But if you need to distill all of that down to a few words, a slogan, a reaction, then "Normal sucks!" works as well as anything.


[1] None of us are accidents, but the fact that any of us fall smack dab onto the point labeled "normal" could well be. Although God does have a sense of humor.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stop the presses, Merriam-Webster, I have a new word!


Head-lie [hed-lie]

  1. a lying headline, i.e., most headlines today, esp. those linked by social media.
  2. the largest lying headline on the front page, usually at the top.
verb (used with object)
  1. to furnish with a headlie
  2. to mention or name in a headlie.


Copyright 2014 Triple R Publishing, Round Rock, TX. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Yet Another Open letter to Facebook

Dear Facebook,

What's on my mind is that you appear to have lost yours. You have confused "most recent stories" with... I'm not sure what. I'm not accusing you of drug usage, but a comparison to opium nightmares would not be without merit.

I was initially appreciative when you returned the ability to select between "most recent stories" and your twisted concept of "top stories". But someone liking a status or commenting on one does not make it a recent post. The algorithm that selects which "recent stories" I will see is equally as stupid and pathetic as that choosing "top stories", a phrase which in any other context most English speakers understand. In the Facebook context, however, it appears to mean, "things selected somewhat at random after weeding out what we think you really want to see".

Is this another social experiment to see how much abuse your user base (a.k.a. merchandise) will put up with? That plot actually fits the data really well.

A bunch of confused users

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Who Are You?

Life is so much easier if people are just real.

The great desire- and fear- of our society today is to be known. It's hard because so many don't know who they are, are afraid to be themselves, or they are convinced who they are is second class... at best.

God doesn't make mistakes or have accidents. You matter. You. Be you. Be the gift to the rest of us you are. There's your impact on the world around you, your legacy, your heritage.

You don't need to be someone else. They will do the best job of being them. You will do the best job of being you. Learn who you are, what you like, what you're good at, what you care about. Ask God to show you. Try things and see.

But be you. You will absolutely be the best at that, and the best you anyone could be.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

MoPac Madness (Why T-Rex Should Not Drive)

He looked pretty much like anyone else on the highway, just another guy trying to get to work on time.

The left lane was actually the fast lane today, if not by much. Suddenly he saw a wall of brake lights, from the car in front of him all the way across to the exit lane. He hit his brake, sparing a quick glance in the mirror to be sure the guy following hard on his tail was braking.

"What's wrong with you people?" he screamed inside his head. "Why are you stopping? There's no reason to stop!!!" In his mind he was beating tiny T-Rex fists ineffectively against the steering wheel.

He glanced at his speedometer. Technically they were in a construction zone, though there were clearly no workers, and there was clearly no construction. But this had been true the last five miles. Why had everyone stopped?

"Well, not exactly stopped," he thought. They had just slowed down from 70 to 60. In what was currently a 55 zone. He grinned mockingly at himself in the mirror. "Dude, you need to calm down."

True story. I crack me up.

Traffic is my nemesis. We hates it, my Precioussss, WE HATESSS IT!!!