I think she is close but slightly off the mark.
Normal is purely a statistical fiction, an average, a mathematical representation of a group of some sort. I would venture to say there are no normal people, although there are- by mathematical definition- a great many people clustered nearby that point. But that's just math, not people. If there are any normal people they are statistical anomalies, either accidents or miracles depending upon your viewpoint.[1]
Normal doesn't suck.
Trying to become something you are not sucks.
Trying to make people normal sucks.
Worshiping normal sucks massively- more than the output of all the Hoovers, Electroluxes, Rainbows, and Kirbys put together.
But if you need to distill all of that down to a few words, a slogan, a reaction, then "Normal sucks!" works as well as anything.
[1] None of us are accidents, but the fact that any of us fall smack dab onto the point labeled "normal" could well be. Although God does have a sense of humor.