Thursday, July 24, 2014

MoPac Madness (Why T-Rex Should Not Drive)

He looked pretty much like anyone else on the highway, just another guy trying to get to work on time.

The left lane was actually the fast lane today, if not by much. Suddenly he saw a wall of brake lights, from the car in front of him all the way across to the exit lane. He hit his brake, sparing a quick glance in the mirror to be sure the guy following hard on his tail was braking.

"What's wrong with you people?" he screamed inside his head. "Why are you stopping? There's no reason to stop!!!" In his mind he was beating tiny T-Rex fists ineffectively against the steering wheel.

He glanced at his speedometer. Technically they were in a construction zone, though there were clearly no workers, and there was clearly no construction. But this had been true the last five miles. Why had everyone stopped?

"Well, not exactly stopped," he thought. They had just slowed down from 70 to 60. In what was currently a 55 zone. He grinned mockingly at himself in the mirror. "Dude, you need to calm down."

True story. I crack me up.

Traffic is my nemesis. We hates it, my Precioussss, WE HATESSS IT!!!

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