Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sky Dance

An eternal chase in slow motion,
Or perhaps a game of tag.,,
Or, as with other denizens of the sky, a mating dance.

Who can tell? For we can only guess their ages.
Today she is ahead; another day he will be.
Some days they are close enough to kiss, to wrap in a lover's embrace,
other days so far apart we see only one at a time.

But they race joyously, content and unconcerned about "winning" or "losing".
When they draw close, she seems lost in his glory;
Apart she may hide or dominate the view according to her whim.

This morning she races several hours ahead.
Smiling serenely down from the lightening sky
As he prepares to peek over the horizon,
Moon and Sun locked in an eternal, blissful race.

Across the sky, stars run and hide
As Lord Jupiter refuses to wane, ruling an empty, western sky.

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