I'm not a professional counselor, psychiatrist, or even a professional psycho (I'm strictly amateur) but I have dealt with a number of suicidal and depressed people, and the mere fact that a doctor relegates the initial discussion of suicide to a written questionnaire is very disturbing. What's next, an online Survey Monkey survey on suicide so they can decide whether to grant you an appointment?
Maybe they should use an automated telephone survey.
"Press one if you have never contemplated suicide (in which case we know you're lying).
"Press two if you are just sort of contemplating suicide.
"Press three if you contemplate suicide a lot.
"Press four if you have a suicide plan.
"Press five if this plan involves shooting up a school or flying a plane into a government building; then hold while we dispatch a SWAT team.
"Press six if you have a gun in your mouth right now.
"If you have already committed suicide, please hang up and call nine one one. To hear these options again, press star."
I realize that depression and suicide are not joking matters. If you are feeling suicidal, contact me. If you're in the Austin area, we'll hug you and love you through it. If you aren't, we'll find someone where you are who will.
This method is not approved by any licensing body, as far as I know, but it has a high rate of success.
Sometimes we may need professional help... but I've seen love work miracles. Even if you need professional help, love and hugs are still good.