Friday, February 08, 2013

Persevering under the crushing yoke of Mileshood

To all concerned:

Yes, I am still persevering under the crushing yoke of Mileshood.[1] Each day I have to hang out with people I love, eat at all sorts of incredible non-chain restaurants, revel in creativity, hang out with people who love me, hug and be hugged, make music, think weird thoughts, write, laugh & cry with people, look at beauty all around me, and so on.

Despite all of this, I love my life.

Denise Canny asks, "Man... what have you done to deserve such a woeful existence?"

Over the last few years I decided to:

  • love unreservedly;
  • live unoffended;
  • be me and enjoy it;
  • do things i like and am good at;
  • hug a lot.
Y'all beware, if you do these things, you could end up like me.

[1] Thanks, Randy Kirchhof, for that delicious expression.


dandelionfleur said...

I'm skeptical, but what the heck--maybe I'll give it a whirl.

roadkills-r-us said...

I know, it sounds crazy. That whole love thing, what the heck?