Monday, March 03, 2014

Quick Thought: Love of Learning

Someone posted a quote on Facebook:

If you are not willing to learn,
no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn,
no one can stop tou.

I completely agree. But there is a huge related discussion; I put it like this:

If the schools spent half the time helping kids learn and cultivating their innate love of learning instead of teaching to tests and beating that love out of them, we would have far less illiteracy and a far more productive (and happier) country.

Thankfully my parents fostered a love of learning in me that even bad schooling could not destroy. On the other hand, most of my teachers were good, the curriculum was decent to good, and the schools I attended gave the teachers a lot of leeway. We spent very little time on standardized curricula or tests.

Given what they have to deal with, I'm not surprised that so many kids today don't care about school. I realize there are far more societal problems involved, but in many ways today's schools are their own worst enemies.

As for me? Can't stop, won't stop... learning.

(Thanks, Eliezer Adrian Adame, for the inspiration!).


Copyright 2014 Triple R Publishing, Round Rock, TX. Feel free to quote so long as attribution is made. All other rights reserved.

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